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Homeschool, Travel Tutor, International Tutor, Super Tutor
Education on your terms
In person lessons in London are £120 per hour.
Termly packages for families start at £12,000 per term.
Online Lessons are £96 per hour.
For a full schedule of lessons and activities 40 weeks a year, packages start at £168,000 per year.
Day rate for travel tutors is £1200 per day
The fees outlined here are designed to give an insight, but it is best to speak with us.
Super Tutors UK
The best approach is to have an initial call with us, following that, it is likely appropiate for us to meet and discuss further. 020 8050 2268
Once we have a clear idea of your needs you can officially instruct us by paying £500. We will then act quickly to create a bespoke tuition package for you.
*All Fees include VAT*
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